"How many men do you think the police department has in this city?"
"Four or five thousand?"
(Crying Child)

• Both Starsky and Hutch keep keys on their lintels. (Foxy Lady, Fatal Charm, various)
• “A lot of pushers are users. That’s how they support their habit.” (Heroes)
• “Anytime someone is killed with a police officer’s weapon, IA is involved” (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• “Nobody knows a runner’s customers except the runner himself. That’s how he keeps them from getting busted.” (Pariah)
• “People who don’t get scared, scare me,” Starsky tells Meredith. (Black and Blue)
• “The arbor path (on the Thorne estate) leads directly to the hotel.” (Playboy Island)
• “The library” is located downtown. (Nightmare)
• A Brownie is a camera. (A Coffin for Starsky)
• A coffee shop is a diner that serves food, rather than fancy coffee and scones. (Trap, Starsky’s Brother)
• A cop can submit request for information in someone else’s name. Hutch did with Starsky to avoid embarrassment. (Vampire)
• A crime lab team and a coroner’s wagon get called to a homicide scene right away. (Captain Dobey, You’re Dead, Gillian, Lady Blue, Running)
• A need for large amount of flash requires Vice or Narco to get money from the Feds. (Bait, Action)
• A pro can hit a target with a rifle at 70 yards, 170 with a scope. (Class in Crime)
• A stenographer is called in to take a confession. (Shootout)
• According to his FBI kickback, it appears Hutch’s personal reference “during school period” was Roger Morales, 462 Mission Drive. His personal reference “after leaving school” looks to be Mike Wilson of 4796 East 1
st Street. (Specialist)
• An example of Hutch’s handwriting, albeit undercover, is on the blackboard in Gage’s class as the blackmail note. (Class in Crime)
• Annie hires a broker who hires a hit man. James Brady is a broker and Angel is a hit man. (Collector, Cover Girl)
• Apparently interrogations are not tape-recorded. (Shootout, Pariah)
• Ashtrays are everywhere, the bank, the squad room and next to Starsky’s bed. (Set-Up, Vendetta, Rosey Malone)
• Bay City has “four or five thousand men in the police department,” Starsky estimates. (Crying Child)
• Bay City is divided up into ten sectors, as seen on map on Dobey’s wall. (Silence)
• Both Starsky and Hutch like their steaks medium rare. (Specialist)
• Brown and Turquet Private Investigations is located upstairs from the Pits. (Huggy Bear and the Turkey)
• Burke’s cabin is close enough to Metro to not need a long distance number; Starsky dials seven digits when he dials out. (Snowstorm)
• Chez Helene’s has “Restaurant a la Carte” written on its window. (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Chez Helene’s is open for lunch. (Little Girl Lost)
• Chief Ryan has a lot of unpaid bills and magazines. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• Child Abuse Report forms are blue half sheets of paper. (Crying Child)
• Child Protection has “ten men” in its department. (Crying Child)
• Clues to get from car tires: wear pattern, make, size, tread. (Texas Longhorn)
• Cops “can’t accept expensive gifts or rewards.” (Psychic, Death in a Different Place)
• Darcy’s Department Store has a pharmacy. (Iron Mike)
• Deputy Chief Roarke is one of Captain Dobey’s bosses. (Captain Dobey, You’re Dead)
• Despite Starsky’s complaining about the raisins on the salad Abby makes, he does like raisons; he eats some out of a box at Hutch’s at breakfast. (Little Girl Lost)
• Directions for Starsky’s watch are in the bottom drawer of his desk. (Trap)
• Dismas Center is named after the “Good Thief,” crucified with Christ, who repented before death. (Silence)
• Dobey admits that the Department “needs to start building good public relations.” (Heroes)
• Dobey appears to speak some Spanish. (Velvet Jungle)
• Dobey calls it the “gambling squad” not gambling department. (Kill Huggy Bear)
• Dobey considers moonshine no worse than “high octane whiskey.” (Moonshine)
• Dobey DOES have a trash can, at least sometimes. (Death Notice)
• Dobey gets his shoes shined by Smitty at his office once a week. (Survival)
• Dobey has a “spare gun” at home. Cal and Edith know where it is. (Captain Dobey, You’re Dead)
• Dobey has the power to “get a helicopter up.” (Action, Moonshine, Deckwatch)
• Dobey has to dial only one number to get someone at Metro to put out an APB. (Fix)
• Dobey his own coffee maker, he often goes to the squad room for coffee. (Lady Blue, Discomania, various)
• Dobey is from the Southside ghetto and his nickname used to be the Southside Stickman. (Birds of a Feather)
• Dobey keeps an extra suit coat hanging in his office. (Committee)
• Dobey must be a good bowler as he has a bowling trophy in his office. (Heroes)
• Dobey refers to Metro as “headquarters.” (Sweet Revenge)
• Dobey refers to Metro as Metropolitan Division. (Survival)
• Dobey reminds Starsky and Hutch, “This is Homicide.” (Body Worth Guarding)
• Dobey sometimes parks in the “wheelchair zone” at the station. (Strange Justice)
• Dobey wants civilians to call him “Captain” rather than “Mr.” (Partners)
• Dobey wears a hat and long coat to work; you see it on coat rack behind desk. (Death Notice)
• Dobey’s superiors work “upstairs.” (Death Notice)
• Edith and Harold Dobey like to dance together. (Discomania)
• Edith has “been on” Harold’s back to take her dancing for months. (Discomania)
• Evelyn Rankin makes comment about cops drinking a lot off duty. (Hostages)
• Ginny Simpson works for the County. (Plague)
• Golden Lady doesn’t take credit cards or checks. (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Golden Lady employees dance or game with customers after punching a time card. (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Green Parrot and the St. Francis Hotel are within easy walking distance of each other. (Death in a Different Place)
• Guns apparently have a gender; Turquet refers to his as “she.” (Huggy Bear and the Turkey)
• Handheld radio communication was by “transistorized power pack transmitters.” (Survival)
• Helen’s Volvo has a Bendix car radio. (Lady Blue)
• Helene’s, downstairs from Hutch’s place, appears to do almost no business; no body goes in or out and there is always a parking place right in front. (Vendetta, Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Huggy “believes in women’s lib”; women have the right to be just as dishonest as men. (Savage Sunday)
• Huggy asks Starsky and Hutch if they’re registered to vote. Hutch says, “No,” he just moved, Starsky doesn’t answer. (Death in a Different Place)
• Huggy Bear’s bar doesn’t accept checks. (various)
• Huggy calls Starsky “crude.” Starsky says he has been called that before. (Body Worth Guarding)
• Huggy doesn’t “have any friends at the Health Department.” (Snowstorm)
• Huggy boxed Golden Gloves, it is how his nose “got this way.” (Heavyweight)
• Huggy has “street ethics”; he “will help when somebody gets burned, but I’m not going to help you bust every dude in the neighborhood who’s ripping off appliances.” (Black and Blue)
• Huggy has a sign that says “no gambling” at his dip and sip. (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Huggy doesn’t like to be called “skinny.” (Huggy Bear and the Turkey)
• Huggy is able, and feels comfortable, letting himself into Venice Place when Hutch isn’t there. (Starsky’s Lady)
• Huggy is an excellent pool player. (Game)
• Huggy mentions that not only has Mardean lost Lionel, but her father has passed away recently too. (Targets 2)
• Huggy tells Meredith beer is all Starsky “will go for.” (Black and Blue)
• Huggy used the winnings of the Louie poker game to get out of his old neighborhood and start over. (Huggy Can’t Go Home)
• Hutch keeps breath freshener in his coat pocket. (Heroes)
• Hutch belongs to Frankie’s Gym. (Pilot)
• Hutch admits, “I’ve always wanted to play doctor.” (Plague)
• Hutch speaks Spanish well. (Velvet Jungle)
• Hutch calls Dispatch to “notify the local sheriff’s department that they are in pursuit” when Starsky and Hutch cross a county line. (Trap)
• Hutch can fix a tractor and drive construction vehicles. He says he learned on his granddad’s farm. (Tap Dancing, Trap)
• Hutch can walk on his hands. (Body Worth Guarding)
• Hutch can do a good handstand. Starsky has seen him do it. (Targets 2)
• Hutch comments to Starsky “it isn’t your style to memorize old property lists.” (Running)
• Hutch considered himself “a bright kid.” (Las Vegas Strangler)
• Hutch considers himself “a man of my word.” (Blindfold)
• Hutch considers himself and Starsky “physically fit.” (Targets 2)
• Hutch doesn’t have a very high opinion of the United Nations. (Body Worth Guarding)
• Hutch doesn’t keep a spare toothbrush. (Little Girl Lost)
• Hutch feels he has the “soul of an aesthete.” (Ninety Pounds of Trouble)
• Hutch feels his salary is low. (Ninety Pounds of Trouble)
• Hutch graduates from a manual typewriter to an electric typewriter. (Moonshine)
• Hutch has a lot of credit cards. (Survival)
• Hutch has a scar on his lower back. (Groupie)
• Hutch has a Wedgewood gas range. (Survival)
• Hutch has an electroencephalogram while in the hospital, probably for his concussion and memory loss. (Partners)
• Hutch has doorbell. Starsky uses it knowing Anna is there with Hutch. (Body Worth Guarding), otherwise Starsky just lets himself in. (Foxy Lady, Little Girl Lost)
• Hutch is a “little younger” than Starsky. (Starsky’s Brother)
• Hutch keeps a copy of the Miranda Warning in his front shirt pocket. (Savage Sunday)
• Hutch keeps an extra clip of ammo in his right jacket pocket. (Trap)
• Hutch keeps an extra clip of ammo in his upper left shirt pocket. (Savage Sunday)
• Hutch keeps his badge and ID in his left breast pocket. (Plague)
• Hutch keeps loose bills/currency in his front left hand pant’s pocket. (Losing Streak, Shootout, Committee)
• Hutch keeps loose bills/currency in his right hand front pocket. (Playboy Island)
• Hutch knocks on Starsky’s door, suspecting Starsky has female company. (Class in Crime), otherwise Hutch lets himself in. (Foxy Lady)
• Hutch knows Rae collects postcards of tattoos. He brings her one of tattooed man in a thong. (Texas Longhorn)
• Hutch listens to classical music. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• Hutch listens to jazz. (Losing Streak)
• Hutch loves to play pinochle. (Partners)
• Hutch mentions that Starsky and Hutch’s shifts are 12-14 hours long. (Vampire, Death in a Different Place)
• Hutch mentions that there are no guns at the Dobey cabin “because Dobey doesn’t hunt.” (Satan’s Witches)
• Hutch must not know Nick well enough to not know Nick is left-handed. (Starsky’s Brother)
• Hutch neatly makes his bed in the morning, either that or we see it the day the cleaning lady was there. (Fix, Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Starsky neatly makes his bed in the morning, either that or we see it the day the cleaning lady was there. (Foxy Lady, Starsky’s Brother)
• Hutch refers to Metro as “headquarters.” (Hostages)
• Hutch refers to Metro as “the office.” (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty, Velvet Jungle, Black and Blue)
• Hutch refers to Metro as “the precinct.” (Trap)
• Hutch refers to Metro as “the station” (Collector)
• Hutch says he “likes aggressive women … as long as they’re gentle.” (Dandruff)
• Hutch says he buys his clothes at J.C. Penny’s. (Groupie)
• Hutch says he never eats a hotel breakfast due to something he read once. (Set-Up)
• Hutch says that there are “five or six cab companies in town.” (Quadromania)
• Hutch says, “I don’t make love to a woman unless I like her.” (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Hutch says, “I’m a one-man, one-woman type of guy.” (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Hutch says, “I’m also a good liar.” (Birds of a Feather)
• Hutch says, “I’m shy.” (Cover Girl)
• Hutch says, “Liar’s Poker. He (Starsky) ought to be good at it.” (Action)
• Hutch says, “When I get down to the nitty-gritty, down to what love is, I’m really old-fashioned about that.” (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Hutch says, “You don’t use a gun unless your life is threatened, even a rookie knows that.” (Manchild on the Streets)
• Hutch says, as Jack Ives, “Me and dogs don’t get along too well.” (Groupie)
• Hutch shaves in the shower with manual razor. (Pariah)
• Hutch showers with the bathroom door open when he is alone. (Fatal Charm)
• Hutch sprinkles salt in his beer. (Huggy Can’t Go Home)
• Hutch talks to his plants, “Hello, plants.” (Vendetta, Ballad for a Blue Lady)
• Hutch tells Colby “you can find us at my place.” Apparently Starsky is going to spend all his off hours on the weekend with Hutch. (Deadly Imposter)
• Hutch tells Foxy Baker, “We really don’t deal with domestic relations.” (Huggy Bear and the Turkey)
• Hutch tells Helen he and Starsky both “really admired” her father, Head of the Unions. (Murder at Sea)
• Hutch tells Huggy, “You know me, Huggy, any kind of transportation will do.” (Targets 2)
• Hutch tells Molly, “I don’t like blonds,” though he is probably referring to not liking the wig. (Collector)
• Hutch tells Vanessa “I’m a little old-fashioned,” when he turns down her offer of sex. (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Hutch tells woman he never “walks out” in the middle of a date. (Starsky’s Brother)
• Hutch’s cleaning lady, Fifi, comes on Wednesdays. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)

• Hutch’s eyes are farther apart than Starsky’s; Starsky has to adjust the binoculars and make the eyepieces wider. (Hostages)
• Hutch’s gun is a .38. (Pilot, Savage Sunday, Snowstorm, Texas Longhorn)
• Hutch’s gun weighs three pounds. (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Hutch’s landlord is male. (Fatal Charm)
• Hutch’s suit size is a 40. (Photo Finish)
• Incoming calls to police switchboard are recorded at officer’s discretion. (Pariah)
• It appears to a custom between Starsky and Hutch when one gets hurt, the injured party gets to choose the bar. (Fatal Charm)
• It appears, by way of Hutch’s comment to Dispatch, Starsky’s apartment is twenty minutes away, by car from the station. (A Coffin for Starsky)
• It is assumed there is a nightly surge in crime when the bars close, at 2:00 am. (Strange Justice)
• It is Hutch’s right hand that sustains the serious injury from the bomb and the stitches. (Fatal Charm, Vendetta)
• It seems odd, but Dobey’s diploma appears to be from Harvard. It has “Harvardiana” as one word at the top. (various)
• It takes 30-60 days “to dry out,” despite Sharman’s amazing recovery. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• IV “bags” were glass bottles. (Starsky’s Lady, Set-Up, Black and Blue, Plague)
• J.D. Turquet graduated from the University of Oklahoma. His diploma seen on the wall. (Huggy Bear and the Turkey)
• Jack Cunningham’s explosion was caused by “a plastic bomb at the end of a transistor radio.” (Collector)
• Jackie says confidently, “A commercial artist can get a job anywhere.” (Deadly Imposter)
• John Blaine’s many trophies appear to be for marksmanship. (Death in a Different Place)
• Jungle Club has a Luncheon Buffet. (Bounty Hunter)
• Kidnapping a police officer is a federal offense. (Bloodbath)
• Kinky clothes make Starsky nervous. (Bait)
• Linda’s landlord is female and named Mrs. Shaunghnessy. (Fatal Charm)
• Liquor stores are open on Sundays. (Savage Sunday)
• Lockers at the police station don't seem to be locked. (Deadly Imposter, Specialist, Plague)
• Luke Huntley tells Hutch, “You always were a good liar, kid.” (Birds of a Feather)
• Luke Huntley works on the West Side. (Birds of a Feather)
• Matt Coyle has separate phone in his desk drawer that Iron Mike used to call. (Iron Mike)
• Memorial Hospital is a county hospital, so says Starsky. Hutch calls Starsky’s hospital a county hospital. (Strange Justice, Sweet Revenge)
• Merle and Starsky’s Uncle Al know each other. (Bloodbath)
• Merle has been doing Starsky’s car work for years. (Bloodbath)
• Merle won’t take a check from Starsky. (Game)
• Metro is referred to as “Police Headquarters.” (Groupie)
• Miranda Warning was mandated in 1966 and therefore pretty new. (various)
• Mistakes in Federal Programs get “hushed up.” (Murder Ward)
• Monique asks Starsky if he sleeps with his gun. He replies, “Not always.” (Avenger)
• Monique comments to Starsky he is “not like most men.” He replies, “Maybe.” (Avenger)
• Motion sickness? Starsky asks Hutch for a stomach pump after getting off of “rolling crap game.” (Action)
• Mrs. Blake tells Starsky that Hutch is a “good liar,” when Hutch fibs to Nancy to make her feel better. (Terror on the Docks)
• Of the night shift laundry, “Only brothers and Chicanos work down there,” says Maurice. (Manchild on the Streets)
• Officers are supposed to call for back up before they arrive at a scene; Starsky and Hutch seem to do only once. (Heavyweight)
• One can buy alcohol in grocery stores. (Tap Dancing)
• One can detect heroin residue in a blood analysis. (Texas Longhorn)
• One can purchase milk at a liquor store. (Pariah)
• One can’t have a criminal record and get a license for Massage. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• One has to dial an eight first to get an outside line. (Pilot)
• Orange makes reference to “today’s declining economy” (Running)
• Partners are supposed to know where the other one is at all times. (Rosey Malone)
• People “phoned” each other. (various)
• Phone extension inside the police department is four numbers. (Pilot)
• Pine Lake is a long distance number. Hutch has to dial a zero, both at the cabin and at the sheriff’s office. (Satan’s Witches)
• Pinky’s last name begins with “Rosen…” (Blindfold)
• Police Commissioner is the Head of Police. (Velvet Jungle)
• Private citizens can get “condemnation /commendations,” as Huggy is “up” for one. (Snowstorm)
• R & I will do some research and crosschecking for officers. (Vampire, Texas Longhorn…)
• Rae’s tattoo parlor only accepts cash at time of purchase. (Texas Longhorn)
• Regarding Hilliard’s activities, Starsky comments “Vice would have those records.” (Action)
• Running a make on someone, if it is from out of town, can take longer (Terror on the Docks)
• Sharon must have a roommate. “I called her. She had washed her hair. She was already asleep.” (Heavyweight)
• Starsky “goes high,” Hutch “goes low.” (Starsky’s Lady)
• Starsky “has a seamstress.” (Photo Finish)
• Starsky “plays ball.” He must be on some league? Metro has a team? (Little Girl Lost)
• Starsky “says he hates soapy scenes.” (A Coffin for Starsky)
• Starsky admits to Sharman, “Everyday of my life, at some time or another, I say that (I’m not ready) to myself.” (Running)
• Starsky and Hutch don’t always pick the other up for work. Sometimes they arrive separately and then get in the same car. (Heroes, Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Starsky and Hutch are both Detective First Class. (Rosey Malone)
• Starsky and Hutch can make a phone call from the car. They need to ask Dispatch to “patch me into a direct line.” (Jojo)
• Starsky and Hutch carry Mace and mention they will use it on Duvcha. (Collector)
• Starsky and Hutch consider Huggy a bad liar. (Huggy Can’t Go Home)
• Starsky and Hutch don’t dial Dobey’s office directly. They go through the Switchboard and ask for him. (Fix, Snowstorm)
• Starsky and Hutch generally work 60 hour weeks. (Death in a Different Place)
• Starsky and Hutch get recommended for a medal by Dobey. (Captain Dobey, You’re Dead)
• Starsky and Hutch get recommended for a Medal of Valor by Dobey. (Committee)
• Starsky and Hutch have an union employment contract. (Avenger)
• Starsky and Hutch have shotguns “racked and loaded” under the seat of their cars, as per procedure. (Pilot)
• Starsky and Hutch have to give depositions at the DA’s office. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• Starsky and Hutch must shop together at clothing stores sometimes. Starsky mentions to Hutch he’d like sweater he saw last week, which suggests Hutch was with him. (Little Girl Lost)
• Starsky and Hutch share a bar tab at Huggy’s. (Action)
• Starsky and Hutch think Huggy Bear is “holding out on them” for the first time when he isn’t straight about the car. They also think he is not telling them the truth for the first time about Washington. (Kill Huggy Bear, Huggy Can’t Go Home)
• Starsky and Hutch use Latino (Texas Longhorn), Anglo (Texas Longhorn), Caucasian (Pilot, Death in a Different Place, Foxy Lady, Hutchinson for Murder One, Quadromania), black (various), white (various) as ways to describe race. Paco uses Chicano. (Velvet Jungle)
• Starsky and Hutch usually don’t carry business cards, they have to write their contact info down every time. (Velvet Jungle, Bust Amboy, Lady Blue, Gillian)
• Starsky and Hutch work out of the 9
th Precinct. (Discomania, Game, Photo Finish)
• Starsky and Hutch’s police badge/ID is a shield on one side. The other side is crest and writing. And there appears to be no photo. (various)
• Starsky apparently reads the Miranda Warning off the back of his badge. (Targets 1)
• Starsky appears to speak more Spanish than he lets Hutch know. (Rosey Malone)
• Starsky became a Detective before Hutch did. (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Starsky calls his mom, in order of how much he needs to get her attention, “Ma… Mom… Mother... Mommy.” (Running)
• Starsky keeps a pocketknife in his leather coat pocket, and Hutch knows that he does. (Trap)
• Starsky keeps a pocketknife in his right hand front jeans pocket. (Snowstorm)
• Starsky collected baseball trading cards as a kid and still remembers stats. (Vendetta, Little Girl Lost)
• Starsky comes back to work early, telling Hutch, “A life of leisure doesn’t really agree with me.” (Trap)
• Starsky comments he “always has trouble walking down these steps,” referring to steps in sports arenas. (Omaha Tiger)
• Starsky cooks with a gas range. (Running)
• Starsky doesn’t like the water. (Terror on the Docks)
• Starsky doesn’t like to eat alone. (Vendetta)
• Starsky doesn’t’ like rousting hookers; Hutch reminds him it is part of their daily bread. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• Starsky feels that Willits and Billings are great arguments for capital punishment. (Committee)
• Starsky hangs his gun on coat rack by front door in third apartment. (Starsky’s Brother)
• Starsky has a bar tab at the Pits. (Ninety Pounds of Trouble)
• Starsky has a chime clock, it strikes on the hour. (Starsky’s Lady)
Starsky has a pager, though this must be new, or they would have been used before. (Class in Crime)
• Starsky has a pension. (A Coffin for Starsky)
• Starsky has a picnic table in the back yard of his third apartment. (Fatal Charm)
• Starsky has an electric toothbrush. (Running)
• Starsky has fine wine at home. (Committee)
• Starsky has fixed up Hutch on blind dates. Hutch remembers one with a “lady cab driver.” (Velvet Jungle)
• Starsky hasn’t been back home to New York in four years by the time of the fourth season. This is substantiated by the comment of his not having seen Nick in four years when he comes to visit, and by Hutch’s comment in season three about how Hutch busted Guillermo alone, while Starsky was back east three years ago. (Starsky’s Brother, Velvet Jungle)
• Starsky hints he isn’t fond of dogs. “You know how I feel about dogs” he says to Hutch, not wanting to tangle with Duvcha. (Collector)
• Starsky introduces himself as “Dave” to Judith, “David” to Lizzie. (Discomania)
• Starsky keeps a little black notebook in his back left hand jeans pocket . (Manchild on the Streets)
• Starsky keeps an extra clip of ammunition in his right jacket pocket. (Trap)
• Starsky keeps folded bills, not in a wallet, but in his front right jeans pocket. (Fix, Committee)
• Starsky keeps his badge and ID in the back right back pocket. (Crying Child, Heavyweight, Death Notice)
• Starsky keeps his gun and camera on a coat rack in his bedroom. (Blindfold)
• Starsky keeps his loose pocket change in the front right hand pocket of his jeans. (Shootout, Kill Huggy Bear)
• Starsky keeps something to pick locks in his left back pant’s pockets. (Gillian)
• Starsky knows “all tractors have a crank.” Hutch says, “You’re pretty smart for a city boy.” (Trap)
• Starsky knows that janitors always have a radio playing, though he doubts it’s classical music. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• Starsky likes mustard, not mayonnaise on his pastrami sandwich. (Collector)
• Starsky makes really strong coffee at home. (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Starsky mentions a “paraffin test” in reference to finding out if someone has fired a gun. (Set-Up)
• Starsky mentions a “polygram” (polygraph) test, says the results are not generally admissible in a court of law. (Crying Child)
• Starsky notes that “hypes come in pairs.” (Texas Longhorn)
• Starsky often leaves his keys in the ignition. (Psychic)
• Starsky on anchovies, “Love ‘em.” Trap)
• Starsky prefers showers over baths. (Bloodbath)
• Starsky pulls the material on the front of his thighs up to sit down comfortably. (Fix)
• Starsky refers to his place to Nick as “the house.” (Starsky’s Brother)
• Starsky says “I don’t trust doctors.” (Black and Blue)
• Starsky says he “did what they tell you to do when I pulled the trigger,” assuming shoot-to-kill. (Pariah)
• Starsky says he “doesn’t even belong to this gym,” meaning Frankie’s. (Pilot)
• Starsky says he “doesn’t like plaids.” (Iron Mike)
• Starsky says he “loves vanilla ice cream.” (Body Worth Guarding)
• Starsky says he doesn’t like people who don’t return phone calls. (Death Notice)
• Starsky says he has been told he “is crude.” (Body Worth Guarding)
• Starsky says he is getting seasick when he walks on to docked ship. (Groupie)
• Starsky says that a cell is 6 X 8. (Heroes)
• Starsky says that the Las Vegas Police Department “is supposed to be one of the best in the country.” (Las Vegas Strangler)
• Starsky says the crime rate goes up every year. (Deadly Imposter)
• Starsky says to Kim that killing a police officer in this state requires the death penalty. (Silence)
• Starsky says, “All arresting cops are prejudiced,” meaning believing their guy is guilty. (Nightmare)
• Starsky says, “I don’t lie.” (Plague)
• Starsky says, “Minnie never lies.” (Birds of a Feather)
• Starsky says, “No, I’m not afraid of any water.” (Playboy Island)
• Starsky says, “They have great showers at the Police Academy gym.” (Bloodbath)
• Starsky says, “We are Detectives assigned to Homicide.” (Body Worth Guarding)
• Starsky simply slips his tied shoes on, doesn’t untie or tie them. (Fix)
• Starsky sings to his plants. (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• Starsky sometimes buys his groceries really late at night. He comes in with bag when he gets Huggy’s call. Time marker is he finds Gillian’s body around 11:35 p.m.. (Gillian)
• Starsky talks to his plants, “Fella, we’re going to have to get you a lady.” (Black and Blue)
• Starsky tells Ginger/Alice is his last name is “something like” Polish. (Committee)
• Starsky tells Hutch he is “sit-in-front-of-the-fire” type of guy. (Avenger)
• Starsky tells Hutch, “You must be older than you look.” (Action)
• Starsky tells Hutch, as they arrive on docked cruise ship, “I feel seasick already.” (Groupie)
• Starsky tells Joey he “kinda likes to have his girls have clean record.” (Trap)
• Starsky tells Michelle, “I know what beach living is like.” (Class in Crime)
• Starsky tells Minnie she can handle the hit-and-run as she is “accredited.” (Ninety Pounds of Trouble)
• Starsky thinks Hutch “is good with words.” (Deadly Imposter)
• Starsky tries to quiet Nick down at his house after Tramps; “We’ve got neighbors!” (Starsky’s Brother)
• Starsky wears his gun in an interrogation. (Shootout, Fatal Charm)
• Starsky will choose a peanut bar from a vending machine. (Texas Longhorn)
• Starsky’s aftershave smells of sandalwood. (Rosey Malone)
• Starsky’s apartment is closer to the warehouse on Lot 3 than the Main Street Gym is. (Heavyweight)
• Starsky’s cleaning lady feels free to call him at the station. (Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty)
• Starsky’s first choice for gas for Hutch’s car is “regular,” but premium will do in a pinch. (Satan’s Witches)
• Starsky’s personal “file number” is #863224. (Jojo)
• Starsky’s television is in the bedroom. (Black and Blue)
• Starsky’s television is in the living room. (Starsky’s Brother)
• Starsky’s typewriter is a “Remington Rand.” (Deadly Imposter)
• Sue Ann has two nightly shows at the Saddle-Club Bar, 9:00 and 11:00. (Long Walk)
• Sugar assumes Turquet will win a physical fight with Huggy. (Huggy Bear and the Turkey)
• SWAT began in California in late 1960s, gained general acceptance as resource 1974, mentioned only once. (Deckwatch)
• The address of the Pits will be an odd number. The address of #615 is seen on the building next to it. (Game)
• The amount of flash money Dobey can give is ambiguous. In Action, it is $1000. In Bait, it appears to be $50,000.
• The answer to “do you have a warrant?” seems to be “do I need one?” (Death in a Different Place, Body Worth Guarding)
• The bottled beer Hutch drinks requires a bottle opener. (Vendetta)
• The cafeteria at the police station is in the basement. (Shootout)
• The coffee machine is a Silex. (Targets 3)
• The crime scene officers take Polaroid photos of body. (Death in a Different Place)
• The Daily Chronicle has a Morning Edition. Not clear if the 2
nd edition is called the Evening or the Afternoon. (Quadromania)
• The Dobey’s go to the First Congregational Church. (Captain Dobey, You’re Dead)
• The Donut Show sells “Cal Cosher,” kosher food. (Pariah)
• The drinking age is 21. (Pilot, Targets 3, Starsky’s Brother)
• The east coast often called “Back East.” (Hostages, Terror on the Docks, Velvet Jungle, Silence, Survival, Gillian, Groupie)
• The first edition of the morning paper hits the street at 6:30. (Pariah)
• The Green Parrot has two shows a night. The second show is at 8:30 and considered more risque than the first show. (Death in a Different Place)
• The Marlborough Health Club has a metal detector. (Action)
• The name on the building where Starsky and Hutch work is Police Station Metropolitan Division. (various)
• The only time a microwave is mentioned is in dialogue in the soap opera “The Disenchanted,” heard in the background. (Huggy Can’t Go Home)
• The Pine Lake cabin has a Philco refrigerator. (Satan’s Witches)
• The Pits is “near the station,” Starsky tells Nick. (Starsky’s Brother)
• The plague is a virus. (Plague)
• The police station has a “Commissary.” (Vampire, Collector, Texas Longhorn)
• The radio Starsky and Hutch use to listen to Linda Baylor has five buttons (on, off, local, distance and squelch). It appears to also has a needle gauge for sound and a red indicator light for power. No brand name is seen. (Fatal Charm)
• The street in front of Huggy Bear’s is a one-way street. (Fix, various)
• The Torino has a buzzer that sounds when the door opens though it must be disabled most of the time. (Tap Dancing)
• The Torino has a clock on its dash, though it is three minutes fast. (Trap)
• The Torino’s radio is a white Motorola with two buttons, “volume” and “squelch.” (Savage Sunday)
• The unemployment rate is bad and jobs are hard to get. (Hostages)
• The white sign posted above all pay phones, above the dial, “You can place any number in the area from this phone.” (Hostages, various)
• The Yeager house isn’t too far away from Callendar’s contact in the city as Callendar dials a local, seven-digit number to reach him on the phone. (Plague)
• There is a hiring freeze with the Bay City Police Department. (Groupie)
• There is a little stream that runs through Starsky’s backyard, next to his deck. (Starsky vs. Hutch)
• There is an ordinance requiring cops to transport “troublesome” veterans to Veteran’s Administration. (Survival)
• They don’t take credit cards at the Bucket 'o Blood. (Hutchinson for Murder One)
• Pinching a spot near the thumb will get a person to let go of the grip on his or her gun. (Playboy Island)
• Vinnie knows Hutch’s number at work and feels free to call him there. (Deadly Imposter)
• What Hutch calls a “regular hamburger” at Huggy’s looks to be a burger with lettuce, tomato and Pringles on the side. (Deadly Imposter)
• When cop’s gun needs examination, he or she reports to “Ballistics” alone and fires his or her weapon, as required by IA. (Snowstorm)
• When referring to police departments, one works “on Narco” but “in Robbery” and “in Homicide”…(Death in a Different Place, various)